SÉRVULO’s integrated support service in Legal Finance is especially designed to assist all entities that seek litigation or arbitration funding – that is to say, financing of all costs inherent to the resolution of a dispute (legal fees, technicians’ fees, costs of litigation, costs of arbitration, among others) –, as well as entities that offer third party funding solutions. The service comprises, notably, the negotiation and conclusion of funding agreements and of other complementary or alternative agreements for coverage of the risks associated with the dispute, the conduct of due diligence for risk assessment purposes (in which the analysis focuses, notably, on the chances of success of a claim, the foreseeable costs of the dispute and the counterparty’s assets), analysis of the fiscal impact of the funding and case monitoring.
SÉRVULO’s team responsible for the legal support service on Legal Finance matters includes João Saúde and Nuno Temudo Vieira in the areas of Litigation, Arbitration and Restructuring and Insolvency and Francisco Boavida Salavessa in the area of Financial Law.