What challenges for Portuguese law firms in 2017?
SÉRVULO IN THE PRESS 25 Nov 2016 in Jornal Económico
In an interview to Jornal Económico, Paulo Câmara stated: "At an international level, 2017 will be a year full of risks: it will certainly involve profound changes for world politics (US and UK), which will in turn affect the global economy and financial and international trade regulation. In spite of this, at a national level forecasts for the coming year are of economic growth and restructuring of the banking sector. There will also be new directorships in some of the regulatory authorities (Securities Market Commission and Competition Authority), and new bills should be passed, special mention going to the new Public Contracts Code, the transposition of MiFID II and the entry into force of the new Data Protection Regulation. As in any period of transformation, law firms will be called upon to offer guidance, the most relevant areas being Tax, Real Estate, Public Procurement, Competition, Finance, Data Protection and Litigation. The vocation of lawyers as engineers of transactions and creators of value in times of change takes on added significance in challenging times as the ones we are living through.”