Training on Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
The Portuguese Association of Investment Funds, Pension Funds and Asset Management (APFIPP - Associação Portuguesa de Fundos de Investimento, Pensões e Patrimónios) is running a training session on the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, on May 21 at the APFIPP headquarters.
This initiative aims to equip attendees with a deeper knowledge of this directive, given the need to transpose it to national law until July of this year, and it aims to analyse the impact said transposition will have on the activities of real estate investment funds and special investment funds.
The training will be led by Paulo Câmara, Manuel Magalhães, Joana Pinto Monteiro and Mariana Duarte Silva of SÉRVULO’s Financial & Governance department, and it is intended for APFIPP associates and other professionals interested in this theme.