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Sérvulo sponsors the first post-graduation course in Waste Law in Portugal


The first post-graduation course in Waste Law in Portugal is organised by the Institute of Political Legal Sciences (ICJP - Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas) of the Law Faculty of the University of Lisbon, and it starts on May 3, with an inaugural conference on April 29 on the different perspectives on the waste sector in Portugal.

Mark Kirkby and Ana Luísa Guimarães are two of the coordinators of this innovative, which aims to deal with the issues arising from the concretization of the Portuguese Government’s objectives with regards to the waste sector, namely in terms of prevention of waste production and of the establishment of 2020 targets for reuse, recycling and other methods of recovery of waste. Furthermore, the course will also deal with the announced privatisation of the companies of the group Águas de Portugal, which until now handled the management of solid waste. These are just some of the examples of the complex challenges that professionals working in the area of Waste Law are faced with.

The course has a varied programme, focused on the various types of waste and on the different domains in which doubts on the production, management and recovery of waste have arisen, and, by combining law and economics, it aims to meet the needs of those professionals who meet these themes daily in their work, be that in the public or private sector, and who are in need of constant training and updating.
For more information, please see the programme attached or follow this link (in Portuguese).

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Mark Kirkby