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Sérvulo sponsors post-graduate course in Water Law


Organized by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of Lisbon University, the post-graduate course in Water Law (Update) begins on April 10 and will be preceded on March 29 by the inaugural conference: “What are the prospects for the future development of the water sector?”, in which domestic and foreign experts will intervene.

Mark Kirkby and Ana Luísa Guimarães are two of the coordinators of the course, which is a groundbreaking one in Portugal, and which seeks to respond to the increasingly current issues - both at a theoretical and a practical level - related to water. The new problems, touching on various areas of law, linked to the reorganization of the governance models of public water utility services, to the relevance and intensification of European sources and regulation for the protection of water resources from the perspectives of the environment and planning, to the tendency to marry energy policy and water policy, and to the intensification of the use of water as an economic commodity, are just some examples of the complex challenges facing those professionals linked to Water Law and will be widely discussed in this post-graduate course.

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