Sérvulo launches integrated legal support service for the digital economy
The growing economic development of the digital environment presents a world of opportunities and challenges for the business sector. With its finger on the pulse of this reality, SÉRVULO has created an integrated legal support service for the digital economy especially aimed at retailers, credit institutions and e-administration and e-government entities, amongst other sectors. This new service benefits from the accumulated experience that SÉRVULO has in the areas that are essential to the development of innovative solutions that accompany the exponential growth of e-commerce, such as Banking Law, Data Protection Law, IT Law, e-administration and e-government, EU and Competition Law.
Indeed, in retail, all the possibilities of using mobile devices and computers in the various stages of acquiring a product or a service – from the searching to the ordering online, to using mobile devices in shops, and even to using these devices to make payments -, all raise Banking Law issues and also important questions in terms of Data Protection and IT Law.
In the area of financial services, home banking and mobile banking are two examples of platforms where personal data can be collected and eventually used for marketing purposes, and here too relevant Banking and Data Protection questions come to the fore.
For e-administration and e-government entities there is the further challenge raised by the recent approval of the review to the Administrative Procedure Code which establishes a preference for the use of electronic means in court procedures.
In creating new business models based on the interaction with the client through technology, it is also necessary to take into consideration, from the very beginning, the perspective of EU and Competition Law, which monitors regulatory developments at a European level and finds suitable solutions to implement in these cases and from the requirements resulting from Competition Law.
In short, creating a new online or mobile product or service, or adapting a business to this new reality requires interdisciplinary legal advice with a global vision capable of ensuring a solid approach from all angles.
The SÉRVULO team responsible for the legal support service for the digital economy is made up of Francisco Mendes Correia (pivot), in the area of Financial & Governance, David Silva Ramalho, in the area of Intellectual Property, Data Protection and IT, Duarte Rodrigues Silva, in the area of e-administration and e-government, and Miguel Gorjão-Henriques, in the area of EU and Competition Law.