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Sérvulo and Mercer in seminar on compensation committees


SÉRVULO and Mercer promote today, for the second year running, a seminar on compensation committees.

Recent trends in corporate governance and the heavy flow of normative and recommendatory measures implemented in reaction to the financial crisis have resulted in the increase of compensation committees. This seminar is devoted to the theme of these committees, and it seeks to carry out an in-depth analysis of the functions they have, of development in regulation, of the main trends and of practical aspects involved in the workings of these committees.

The seminar includes an intervention by SÉRVULO partner Paulo Câmara, entitled Compensation committees: an analysis of new regulatory developments. On the topic, Paulo Câmara said that "compensation (or salary) committees are undergoing a major process of transformation, caused by increasing and accelerating regulatory requirements, as the commissions become the target of renewed scrutiny as part of the process of setting compensation rates for CEOs and executives within other corporate bodies.”

Also as part of the seminar, Diogo Alarcão, partner at Mercer, will comment on market trends, on which he observed that “in line with the most recent study, there is an increasing segmentation and diversification between the various compensation programmes depending on the sectors, areas of business, levels and functions of senior executives, thereby making the role compensation committees play all the more complex and demanding.”

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Finance and Governance
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Paulo Câmara