Same work, equal pay
SÉRVULO IN THE PRESS 15 Feb 2019 in Dia 15
In an opinion article written for Dia 15 newspaper, Inês Palma Ramalho, a lawyer in SÉRVULO’s Finance and Governance department, addresses the lack of equal pay for men and women. Several studies have shown that, globally, a woman receives around 23% less than a man who has been hired to perform functions of the same value. Institutions like UN Women go even further, showing that a woman with children still earns comparatively less and that, at this rate, we will need about 70 years to close the pay gap.
In 2017, the Commission for Equality in Work and Employment (CITE) published figures that show that Portuguese women earn, on average, 15.8% less than men. This difference only pertains to work capacity (composed of basic salary plus non-variable supplements, such as seniority) and the figure rises to 19.1% if earning capacity (which includes variable supplements, such as productivity or attendance bonuses) is used as the measurement.
Read the full version published in Dia 15 newspaper, here.