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Paulo Câmara completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University

NEWS AND EVENTS 26 Jul 2024 in Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Católica de Lisboa
Paulo Câmara, a partner in SÉRVULO's Finance & Governance department, completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Lisbon on July 25. His dissertation, entitled "Corporate Governance and Purpose: ESG in Listed Companies", was unanimously awarded top marks.
The jury was made up of Professors Fernando Ferreira Pinto, Vice-Rector of the Portuguese Catholic University and President of the Jury; Jorge Manuel Coutinho de Abreu from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra; Ana Perestrelo de Oliveira from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon; Pedro Caetano Nunes from the Faculty of Law of the New University of Lisbon; Rui Pinto Duarte from the Portuguese Catholic University; Paulo Olavo Cunha from the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University; Maria Fátima Ribeiro from the Porto School of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University; and António Cortês, director of the doctoral program at the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University.
As well as being a partner in the Finance & Governance area at SÉRVULO, Paulo Câmara is a guest lecturer at the Lisbon MBA, on the Masters Course in Law and Management, and on the Masters Course in Business Law, at the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University. He is also the coordinator of Governance Lab, an independent research group dedicated to corporate governance.
He has been Chairman of the General Assembly of the Portuguese Banking Association since 2016, as well as other financial institutions, and of the Portuguese Compliance and Regulatory Observatory since 2017. He chairs and is a member of the remuneration committees of two institutions. He is a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Financial Law and Capital Markets, the Scientific Committee of the Journal Concorrência & Regulação, and the Code Monitoring Committee of the Portuguese Institute of Corporate Governance.
He is a consultant for the ESG Corporate Monitor Research Project (CEDIP) and a member of the Arbitration Board of EFFAS - European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies.
In 2023, he was recognised as Personality of the Year at the Annual Awards of the Portuguese Association of Investment Funds, Pensions and Assets.
Paulo Câmara is also a frequent speaker at various initiatives, both nationally and internationally, and the author of several books and articles in his areas of expertise, contributing significantly to the development of knowledge and practices in corporate governance and ESG.
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Paulo Câmara