Lisbon Regional Council analyses the accompanied adult framework scheme
SÉRVULO IN THE PRESS 20 Mar 2019 in Advogar
The Lisbon Regional Council of the Portuguese Bar Association is organising a conference on the Accompanied Adult Framework Scheme. The conference will be held in the auditorium of the University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Law, on 27 March.
The event will be attended by the Secretary of State for Inclusion of People with Disabilities, Ana Sofia Antunes. Themes such as limitations to personal rights, from a constitutional perspective; the implications of the new scheme for Family Law; aspects of the application of the scheme for accompanied adults; the scheme for accompanied adults and medical-forensic intervention; and the procedural aspects of the Accompanied Adult Law will be discussed, amongst others.
Speakers include: Professors Jorge Bacelar Gouveia and Marta Costa; lawyers Fidélia Proença de Carvalho, Maria do Rosário Zincke dos Reis and SÉRVULO’s Litigation and Arbitration department lawyer Margarida Sepúlveda Teixeira; doctor Fernando Vieira; and psychologist Maria Luísa Conduto.
This story was mentioned in both Advogar and U.Direito.