Fixed component gains weight in the remuneration of managers
SÉRVULO IN THE PRESS 09 Feb 2018 in Jornal Económico
Interview with Paulo Câmara Managing Partner of SÉRVULO, and Diogo Alarcão, CEO of Mercer Portugal
Mercer Potugal and Sérvulo & Associados organized in January a conferece dedicated to the topic, in which the remuneration trends were surveyed andheard terimoy from the remuneration commissions.
The long-standing partnership has seen a record number of partipants this year, which shows that this is one of the priorities of companies and one of the concerns of regulatory authorities. "It is growning because companies are increasingly to align their remuneration sctruture with their strategy. As the structure undergoes a correction, a progress, an adaptation, it is also necessary to look at the remuneration policy, which is done in benchmarks of the sector, the country and the continent" said Sérvulos's Managing Partner, Paulo Câmara.
Find the entire interview, here.