Diogo Feio interviewed on performance of Tax Authority
SÉRVULO IN THE PRESS 29 Jan 2015 in Jornal i
SÉRVULO Of Counsel and Tax department head Diogo Feio was interviewed by the Portuguese daily newspaper Jornal i on his views on last year’s performance of the Portuguese Tax Authority with regards to personal income tax. The high number of complaints from taxpayers reveals that the Tax Authority still has a long way to go to improve its relationship with individual tax payers, in particular in what concerns administrative procedures. However, Diogo Feio recognises that there is a visible positive evolution on the part of the Tax Authority.
“Tax citizenship has already been assumed in Portugal, in that people now are more forthcoming in giving their VAT number in the context of a transaction. But these new methods require new rules in the relationship between the Tax Authorities and the taxpayers. If I had political responsibilities, I would define tangible rules on tributary procedures after the amendments that have been made to personal income tax and corporate tax.”, Diogo Feio said, also praising the new tax arbitration procedure.