Credit funds: a new financing alternative?
SÉRVULO IN THE PRESS 27 Dec 2019 in Jornal de Negócios
Francisco Barona, a partner in the Finance and Governance department, has published an opinion article in the print edition of Jornal de Negócios on the “loan funds” that came to our legal system as the Specialised Alternative Collective Body (OIAE) for credit, through DL no. 144/2019. According to Francisco Barona, the aim is to boost the capital market and diversify the sources of company funding.
“The diversification of the economy's funding sources is now one of the objectives of the Capital Market Union. In the future, there should be a harmonised framework for credit sourcing in Europe. The players who get into this field first may have obvious competitive advantages,” he wrote.
Francisco Barona also explains that the aim itself is worthy and the news is to be applauded. However, he does point out that the government was not particularly happy to take on this new arrangement for the legal framework for venture capital. It would have been more appropriate to include this in the general framework for collective investment undertakings as this is where the discipline of multifunctional management entities lies.