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Order No. 18/SEENC/2024 on the prior control procedures applicable to re-equipment


Order No. 18/SEENC/2024, issued by the Office of the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate, was published today, clarifying the prior control procedures applicable to re-equipment.

The Order establishes that, for the purposes of the provisions of article 62(1) of Decree-Law no.º 15/2022, of January 14, under which the re-equipment of a power plant represents a non-substantial alteration of the pre-existing prior control title and follows the procedure established for the respective alteration, there is no need to obtain a capacity reserve title, even if the connection power added as a result of the re-equipment, which has a maximum limit of 20% of the connection power initially allocated, may result in the connection power of the plant exceeding 1 MVA.

In these terms, the Order gives a negative answer to the question of whether, in cases where the re-equipment resulted in such an increase in the connection power of the power plant that it exceeded 1 MVA, it was required to obtain a capacity reserve title under the general terms.

SÉRVULO's Energy team