O novo regime especial de expropriações
BOOKS AND ACADEMIC ARTICLES 2022 in #15 da Revista de Direito Administrativo
João Tomé Pilão, associate in SÉRVULO's Public Law department, is the author of the article The new special expropriation regime, published in issue #15 of the Revista de Direito Administrativo.
The new special expropriation regime aims to introduce simplicity and speed in the expropriation procedure necessary for the interventions included in the Economic and Social Stabilization Programme, i.e. rapid public investment.
The author starts by evidencing the distinctive elements of this new regime (approved by Decree-Law no. 15/2021, of 23 February) in relation to the general regime of the Expropriations Code, and then analyses the rules which raise most doubts as to their conformity with the Constitution.