Rita Canas da Silva
At SÉRVULO since 2015, Rita Canas da Silva is a partner in the Employment department. She has a PhD in Private Law from the Faculty of Law of the Nova University of Lisbon (2016), having written a thesis on the suspension of the employment contract. Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Portugal (Lisbon School), she is a guest speaker at conferences and seminars on Employment Law and Sports Law, and has authored several publications on her areas of specialisation. Founding member of the Portuguese Employment Law Association (APODIT – Associação Portuguesa de Direito do Trabalho) and a founding member of the Association of Young Labour Jurists (AJJ – Associação de Jovens Juslaboralistas). Between 2011 and 2015 she was Aide to the Office of the Secretary of State for Employment (Ministry of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security), and Advisor to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State of the Prime Minister, integrating the Memorandums Monitoring Structure (ESAME - Estrutura de Acompanhamento dos Memorandos), team that monitored the meeting of the obligations towards the IMF, the EC and the ECB. Between 2002 and 2006 she was a lawyer at «Morais Leitão, Soares da Silva e Associados». She joined the Bar Association in 2004.
Personal Assistant: Débora Silva
(+351) 210 933 000 dsa@servulo.comRelevant Experience
Transversal legal advice on all matters relating to individual and collective employment law, including extensive experience in the management of labor relations subject to special regimes, particularly employment contract of sports practitioners and the settlement of disputes arising therefrom, at a national and international level.
Legal assistance in terms of individual working relations, from the phase of recruitment and of selection of contractual models, to the day-to-day management of companies, including in terms of defining policies for increasing flexible working time and promotion and relocation, to the structuring of remuneration policies, to representation in disciplinary processes or assistance in cases of company restructuring or termination of employment.
Advice on structuring plans for the international relocation of employees, especially for multinationals.
Experience in the implementation of policies and metrics of retributive parity and reconciliation of private and professional life.
Elaboration of certified training plans adapted to the reality and needs of clients and their organizations, in different areas of Labor Law.